Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts recently, the Fatboy's been shockingly busy at work. Since today is election day, and I'm watching the ubiquitous election coverage, a few random thoughts if you'll allow them:
  • Tom Brokaw can't prounce the letter 'L'
  • Andrea Mitchell looks more like Alan Greenspan than Alan Greenspan does (they're married)
  • I'm so fucking sick of Sarah Palin it's not even funny
  • Why are only black people allowed to have opinions about racism in this country?
More on this last point. NBC has Tavis Smiley on tonight to opine about how far this country has come with regard to racial relations since the year he was born, 1964. I particularly enjoyed Brian Williams saying to him, "This is why you're here with us" when he was done speaking. I'm confused as to why a black man has been brought on to discuss race relations when really anyone can discuss this. Isn't that racist in its own right? Whoa, deep. I'll just link to some random blonde girl in her underwear talking about god knows what.

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