Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's Sunday morning, so my brain is functioning at half capacity due to the myriad intoxicants that were entered into my bloodstream last night. That said, while drinking coffee I got caught up in Forrest Gump on HBO.

This movie famously beat out the greatest movie of all time, The Shawshank Redemption, for Best Picture in 1994. If anyone took the Academy Awards seriously, this might piss me off more, but as it is, it just simmers as simply "bullshit" in my mind.

The older I get, and the more often I see this movie, the more I think it totally sucks balls. It's a movie about a half wit who continually gets lucky, somehow bangs a chick with AIDS, has a kid, yet doesn't get AIDS, and ends up living well the rest of his life. I really couldn't be more confused.

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