Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Top Gay

Wow, been so long since Ol' Fatness here posted that I had to log in... jesus. Sorry guys. I have no excuse other than pure lasciviousness. The Fatboy gets around, what can I say?

Anyway.. got to watching Top Gun baked the other day, and, as pot tends to do, my eyes were opened to the blatant homoeroticism. Granted, the theory that Top Gun is the Spartacus of our times isn't exactly fresh, but this was the first time I had seen this front to rear in years.

A few particular scenes really hit home-o for me, but one in particular kills me... the shower scene. I'm not going to even link to it it's so gay. So instead, how about a lil' ol' montage.

P.S. This sums it up, even though I hate the fucking guy.
P.P.S. Worth noting that this movie is Fatboy's brother's favorite movie of all time.